Monday, March 23, 2009

New Challenge I'm not doing enough challenges already. Or rather I should say ignoring enough challenges. I am going to participate in this Spring Reading Thing Challenge. Basically you just commit to finishing books you have already started and that have been sitting in you TBR pile for awhile. So here is my list.

1) He's Not That Into You
2) Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
3) Not On Our Watch
4)They Poured Fire On Us From The Sky
5) Salvation In Death
6) Promises In Death
7) Envy
8) Stardust
9) Spud
10) Nobody's Princess
11) Spanking Shakespeare
12) Slam
13) Hacking Harvard
14) I Am The Messenger
15) Rhymes With Witches
16) Blood and Chocolate
17) Peeps
18) Love is Hell
19) Gregor the Overlander
20) The Queen Geek Social Club

Okay, that's all the books that I can think of right now, but I am sure that I will have more to add as we go along. I would really like to read 28 books since the challenge lasts fourteen weeks and I have already started several of these books.


Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

Whoa there hoss! Spanking Shakespeare? What the deuce man? Do we have that book in our library? And will you read it and tell me how it is, because let's just be real..I will not read more than the first three pages. However, I did actually read the entire book "He's Just Not that Into You" I read it long before the movie came out. I have been a fan since he had his talk show and I used to make the three year old I sit for watch it. Greg is hilarious and gives a pretty decent depiction of how guys are. I mean of course there are exceptions to the rule, like Charles Manson, Pee Wee Herman, and most of the guys I have dated....we won't go there....I mean I could write a novel about the drug dealer, liar, cheater, and pyscho...which sadly weren't the same dude. Yes ladies I made a mistake 4 times!!! WHOO HOO!!! GOOOOO MEEEE!!! Thanks Greg for spanking the Shakespeare out of me and helping give me a reality check. Hahahhahahaha, in closing read the book, its pretty darn good.


Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

Hahaha Spud. I might read that one, just because I enjoy the title.


Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

Actually, it's about a kid at boarding school in South Africa and junk...It takes place in 1990 and is supposed to have a lot of political undercurrents. I know you're all into that junk, so you might actually like it. Not that you read...

Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

Sidebar...remember that time in high school when we watched that Disney Channel movie The Color of Friendship??? And cried because Apartheid was so sad...Good Times...


*Also the last comment was me too...

Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

Um Duh I remember. That was a good flick, I mean "good." I really think you should take my offer up to help me co write a new version of Spud about the Irish potato famine, which my sister thinks never happened.